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Microscale material testing of single crystalline silicon

Posted on:2001-09-29Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, Los AngelesCandidate:Yi, TaechungFull Text:PDF
The mechanical properties of single crystalline silicon (SCS) in microscale are characterized using a uniaxial tension test. The samples are prepared using, various micromachining techniques. The dimensions of the tension specimen at the maximum stress region are 5 to 10 μm in thickness and 20 to 100 μm in width. The sample has two illumination marks on the top surface for strain measurement. The uniaxial tension test setup has been built to accommodate requirements such as sample handling, sample alignment, and friction elimination. Stress is measured using a commercial load cell. Strain is measured by laser interferometry. All the components are connected to a data acquisition board and controlled by a personal computer. Measured Young's moduli in three directions agree well with the reference values and verify the reliability of the setup and measurement procedure. The measured fracture strength is 0.6 GPa to 1.2 GPa, depending on sample preparation methods and loading directions. Preliminary work for fracture toughness measurements using a sharp initial crack is also presented. Future works include further investigation of fracture surfaces, fracture toughness measurement using crack opening criteria, and improvement of the testing apparatus.
Keywords/Search Tags:Using, Sample, Fracture
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