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Precise relative navigation using augmented CDGPS

Posted on:2002-06-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Stanford UniversityCandidate:Park, Chan-WooFull Text:PDF
Autonomous formation flying of multiple vehicles is a revolutionary enabling technology for many future space and earth science missions that require distributed measurements, such as sparse aperture radars and stellar interferometry. The techniques developed for the space applications will also have a significant impact on many terrestrial formation flying missions.; One of the key requirements of formation flying is accurate knowledge of the relative positions and velocities between the vehicles. Several researchers have shown that the GPS is a viable sensor to perform this relative navigation. However, there are several limitations in the use of GPS because it requires adequate visibility to the NAVSTAR constellation. For some mission scenarios, such as MEO, GEO and tight formation missions, the visibility/geometry of the constellation may not be sufficient to accurately estimate the relative states.; One solution to these problems is to include an RF ranging device onboard the vehicles in the formation and form a local constellation that augments the existing NAVSTAR constellation. These local range measurements, combined with the GPS measurements, can provide a sufficient number of measurements and adequate geometry to solve for the relative states. Furthermore, these RF ranging devices can be designed to provide substantially more accurate measures of the vehicle relative states than the traditional GPS pseudolites. The local range measurements also allow relative vehicle motion to be used to efficiently solve for the cycle ambiguities in real-time.; This dissertation presents the development of an onboard ranging sensor and the extension of several related algorithms for a formation of vehicles with both GPS and local transmitters. Key among these are a robust cycle ambiguity estimation method and a decentralized relative navigation filter. The efficient decentralized approach to the GPS-only relative navigation problem is extended to an iterative cascade extended Kalman filtering (ICEKF) algorithm when the vehicles have onboard transmitters.; Several ground testbeds were developed to demonstrate the feasibility of the augmentation concept and the relative navigation algorithms. The testbed includes the Stanford Pseudolite Transceiver Crosslink (SPTC), which was developed and extensively tested with a formation of outdoor ground vehicles.
Keywords/Search Tags:Relative navigation, GPS, Formation, Vehicles
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