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A plan for success: Constructing a set of manufacturing performance measuring tools for United States automotive gasoline engine manufacturers

Posted on:2002-04-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Union InstituteCandidate:Burgess, Robert GFull Text:PDF
GTID:1462390011496895Subject:Business Administration
This study identified performance measurements that are currently being used by United States automotive gasoline engine manufacturers. The data generated from this study was used to construct a set of manufacturing performance measuring tools that manufacturing executives use to determine the present health and predict the future health of the manufacturing organization.; The universe for this study was composed of five United States automotive gasoline engine manufacturers. Data was collected by means of a research survey consisting of both closed-form and open-formed questions. An executive for engine manufacturing within each of the five United States automotive gasoline engine manufacturers was interviewed.; Data from the interview/questionnaire was compiled to validate the seven manufacturing measurements that offer the greatest potential for measuring the current health and predicting the future health of the United States automotive engine manufacturing organizations. Interestingly, the results revealed an unexpected variety in terms of how these experts prioritized the tools of measurement utilized within their organizations. However, they do agree that the set of manufacturing tools must include quality, cost, profit, productivity, safety, responsiveness, and people. Further, no individual measurement (financial or non-financial) should be used to the detriment of another.
Keywords/Search Tags:United states automotive gasoline engine, States automotive gasoline engine manufacturers, Manufacturing performance measuring tools
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