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An investigation of the most important skills of the entry-level automotive student in Pennsylvania's District 1 SkillsUSA-VICA automotive programs

Posted on:2002-09-24Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Pennsylvania State UniversityCandidate:Watson, Mark ChristopherFull Text:PDF
The introduction of new technologies have made vehicles more complicated each year, this has caused the automotive industry to become extremely competitive. Without the proper skills and training, entry-level automotive technicians cannot survive in today's automotive industry. This study may assist automotive educators in refining their teaching materials, timetables, and strategies.;In this study the important skills needs for entry-level automotive technicians were examined using the ASE/NATEF program as a skill guideline. The focal geographic region of the study was District 1 in the Northeast region of Pennsylvania, which is one of eleven districts involved in the SkillsUSA-VICA (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America). A survey was used to collect data from nine educators and eighteen craft committee members---one-half from the independent shops and one-half from dealerships.;Data were used to rank-order automotive areas and tasks (skills) within each area. This information may be used to form a consensus among vocational school programs about what is or is not important or relevant information for entry-level automotive technicians.;Further study in this research area could involve breaking tasks into more specific sub areas and ranking them according to importance to the entry-level automotive technician.
Keywords/Search Tags:Automotive, Important skills, Vocational
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