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Investigation of FRP materials for bridge construction

Posted on:2003-01-22Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Missouri - RollaCandidate:Stone, Danielle KleinhansFull Text:PDF
The overall objective of this research project was to conduct an extensive study of the behavior and use of glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) and carbon FRP (CFRP) materials for bridge construction. In particular, GFRP honeycomb sandwich panels were used as bridge panels and steel-supported bridge deck panels and CFRP and GFRP bars were used as internal reinforcement for precast concrete bridge panels. More specifically, this research program provides laboratory characterization of FRP bars and FRP-reinforced concrete (FRP-RC) panels, laboratory characterization of FRP honeycomb sandwich panels and their constituent materials, in-situ characterization of FRP-RC panels and FRP honeycomb sandwich panels, investigation of the durability performance of FRP bars and FRP honeycomb sandwich panels, and evaluation of construction techniques for FRP-RC panels and FRP honeycomb sandwich panels.; The research program consisted of a series of investigations in the field and in the laboratory. Four short-span bridges were installed so as to outline the construction-related issues associated with the use of these materials. The bridges are located in a residential area of St. James, Missouri; each bridge utilizes FRP materials in a different structural system to investigate the feasibility of using FRP in each of these applications. In-situ load tests of the constructed bridges were conducted to illustrate the behavior of the overall structures, in terms of panel behavior and installation details. Load testing following construction and at later ages was undertaken allowing the examination of the bridges' long-term performance under ambient outdoor environmental conditions. Finally, the third investigative series dealt with the laboratory characterization of these materials, considering both the overall panel behavior and the individual materials.; Investigations focused on determining factors for design using FRP materials in bridge construction. In particular, the necessary material properties, design parameters (e.g., live load impact factors and wheel load distribution factors), and design protocols (e.g., serviceability predictions) were the focus of this research with the ultimate goal being the assistance of industry in developing material and design standards for FRP materials. In this way, the materials may become a viable alternative to traditional materials for the improvement of our Nation's deteriorating infrastructure.*; *This dissertation is a multimedia document (contains text and other applications not available in printed format). The CD requires the following system requirements: Adobe Acrobat; QuickTime.
Keywords/Search Tags:FRP, Bridge, Construction, Behavior
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