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The cry among us: Responding to adolescent female cutting in the evangelical Christian Church

Posted on:2017-04-08Degree:D.MinType:Dissertation
University:Boston UniversityCandidate:Olson, Ann ElizabethFull Text:PDF
GTID:1461390014958793Subject:Counseling psychology
The phenomenon of cutting is extremely complex, as is the care of those who engage in it. This work provides exhaustive knowledge of the kinds of clinical interpretations of cutting that exist and interventions offered to curb this maladaptive behavior. It empowers volunteer youth workers to feel more confident in responding to young women who are cutting. It also encourages those who work in evangelical Christian contexts to draw carefully, cautiously, and judiciously, from the resources of their faith tradition as their contribution to the care of young women who cut.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cutting
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