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Student reactions to Web-enhanced instructional elements

Posted on:2004-06-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Mississippi State UniversityCandidate:Landry, Brett Jean-LouisFull Text:PDF
Web Enhanced Instruction (WEI) is not intended to replace the traditional classroom setting, but rather to supplement the traditional lecture with course content that can be accessed from campus or from any point connected to the Internet 24 hours a day, seven days a week. WEI has the potential to extend the boundaries of traditional classrooms by providing new opportunities for communication and interaction between students and the instructor. While the potential benefits of augmenting the traditional class with WEI have been recognized and discussed, what has remained largely unknown are student reactions to WEI as an addition to the lecture.; The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has been one research technique which has been widely used in the Information Systems research to gather user reactions to information systems. The TAM examines perceptions of Usage, Usefulness, and Ease of Use and their relationships to satisfaction. In addition to the TAM, user variables such as Computer Background and Student Demographics were examined to consider whether these factors were related to the Usage, Usefulness , and Ease of Use components of the TAM.; This research suggested that the TAM is appropriate for the academic setting and, specifically, that it represents a useful instrument for measuring student reactions to Blackboard, the WEI tool used in this study. Perceptions of Blackboard Usage were unaffected by differences in Computer Background and Gender, but were effected by differences in Academic Level, Age, and Primary Access Location. Students also have different perceptions as to the Usefulness and as a result Usage of Blackboard features. The features that are part of the Course Content are used more often and are seen as more useful than those items that provide Course Support and communication.
Keywords/Search Tags:Student reactions, WEI, TAM, Traditional
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