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Integration de la visualisation a multiples vues pour le developpement du logiciel

Posted on:2012-01-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Langelier, GuillaumeFull Text:PDF
GTID:1461390011958496Subject:Computer Science
Nowadays, software development has to deal more and more with huge complex programs, constructed and maintained by large teams working in different locations. During their daily tasks, each developer may have to answer varied questions using information coming from different sources. In order to improve global performance during software development, we propose to integrate into a popular integrated development environment (Eclipse ) our new visualization tool (VERSO), which computes, organizes, displays and allows navigation through information in a coherent, effective, and intuitive way in order to benefit from the human visual system when exploring complex data. We propose to structure information along three axes: (1) context (quality, version control, etc.) determines the type of information; (2) granularity level (code line, method, class, and package) determines the appropriate level of detail; and (3) evolution extracts information from the desired software version. Each software view corresponds to a discrete coordinate according to these three axes. Coherence is maintained by navigating only between adjacent views, which reduces cognitive effort as users search information to answer their questions. Two experiments involving representative tasks have validated the utility of our integrated approach. The results lead us to believe that an access to varied information represented graphically and coherently should be highly beneficial to the development of modern software.;Keywords: Visualization, software development, development environment, integration, software evolution, animation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Software
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