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The roles of stakeholder, process, and facilitation variables in the collaborative activities and climate of school-to-work coalitions

Posted on:1999-06-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Michigan State UniversityCandidate:Legler, Raymond EFull Text:PDF
Factors thought to influence collaboration in school-to-work (STW) coalitions are investigated. Literature from the field of organizational theory that examined collaboration is reviewed. Hypotheses predicted that stakeholder diversity, interdependence, written agreements, and communication would influence climate, while partnership size, resource sharing, planning, and coordination would affect activities. Path analysis of the data revealed the primary importance of planning and coordination. Diversity and resource sharing predicted activities, written agreements and communication predicted climate, and interdependence influenced both activities and climate. Implications for collaboration and future research are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Activities, Climate, Collaboration
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