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Resonant laser plasma interactions and electron acceleration

Posted on:2000-01-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, Los AngelesCandidate:Gordon, Daniel FrancisFull Text:PDF
The interaction between intense laser radiation and a plasma is often dominated by the generation of large amplitude plasma waves. These plasma waves can drastically affect both the plasma particles of which they are composed and the laser radiation by which they are driven. This dissertation addresses two facets of these processes. In part I, the acceleration of electrons by highly nonlinear plasma waves is addressed. It is shown experimentally that energy gains exceeding the dephasing limit of linear theory are possible. In part II, the recent theory of electromagnetically induced transparency in a plasma is examined. It is found that the requirements of causality do not allow for the transmission of electromagnetic radiation through an overdense plasma as conceived in the original theory. However, it is possible for radiation below the cutoff frequency to be generated by a plasma. Also, a Raman-type instability is found to afflict electromagnetic waves in a plasma even when the density exceeds quarter-critical.
Keywords/Search Tags:Plasma, Laser radiation
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