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The Lubin-Tate spectrum and its homotopy fixed point spectra

Posted on:2004-06-09Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Northwestern UniversityCandidate:Davis, Daniel GlenFull Text:PDF
Using the work of Devinatz and Hopkins, we show that the Lubin-Tate spectrum En is a continuous Gn-spectrum, where Gn is the extended Morava stabilizer group. For G closed in Gn and any finite spectrum X, we use this continuous action to define the homotopy fixed point spectrum ( En∧X )hG with the associated descent spectral sequence HscG;pt En∧X &rArrr;pt-s &parl0;&parl0;En∧X&parr0;hG&parr0;. We show that this spectral sequence is isomorphic to the strongly convergent K(n)*-local En-Adams spectral sequence abutting to pi* ( EhGn∧X ). We also have a descent spectral sequence for (LK (n)( En∧X ))hG, where X satisfies a particular finiteness condition.
Keywords/Search Tags:Spectrum, Spectral sequence
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