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Topological obstructions to certain group actions on manifolds

Posted on:2004-04-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:New York UniversityCandidate:Ding, PishengFull Text:PDF
Given a smooth closed S1-manifold M, this dissertation studies the extent to which certain numbers of the form (f* (x) · P · C) [M] are determined by the fixed-point set MS1 , where f:M→Kp1M ,1 classifies the universal cover of M,xeH* p1M; Q,P is a polynomial in the Pontrjagin classes of M, and C is in the subalgebra of H*M;Q generated by H2M;Q . When MS1=⊘, various vanishing theorems follow, giving obstructions to certain fixed-point-free actions.; Let G be a connected semisimple compact Lie group.; If an S1-action on M extends to a G-action with each component of MS1 intersecting MG, then (P · C) [M] is shown to be calculable in terms of the topology of MS1↪M and the isotropy S1-representations. Under the same condition, (L (M) · C) [M] (L (M) being the the Hirzebruch L-class of M) is shown to depend only on the topology of the submanifold of M consisting of those components of MS1 with codimensions congruent to 0 mod 4.; These considerations yield some vanishing results. For example, if M admits a G-action with some element geG acting freely, then (f*(x) · P · C) [M] = 0.; If a nontrivial S1-action on a spin manifold M extends to a G-action with MS1=MG , then f*x ˙A&d4;˙C M=0 .
Keywords/Search Tags:Certain, -action
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