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Determinants and effects of electronic intermediary use in export marketing

Posted on:2005-10-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Washington State UniversityCandidate:Cho, HyuksooFull Text:PDF
GTID:1459390008998369Subject:Business Administration
With the development of electronic commerce, an alternative market intermediary called an electronic intermediary is emerging in international commerce. In export marketing, an electronic intermediary serves as a business-to-business (B2B) electronic marketplace, which allows trade parties achieve cost-efficient international trade. Previous studies have not paid adequate attention to the electronic intermediary. Instead, they have emphasized a direct Internet-based exchange, which was believed to decrease transaction costs. This dissertation suggests an electronic intermediary as a hybrid-exporting channel, combining a traditional intermediary and a direct Internet-based exchange. A direct Internet-based exchange is considered the most efficient exporting channel to reduce cost, but it involves high risk. A traditional intermediary may be an effective exporting channel to reduce risk, but it accompanies high cost such as commissions and agent fees. This dissertation suggests that an electronic intermediary is an alternative to balance between profit and risk. This dissertation examines determinants and effects of electronic intermediary use in export marketing. The results indicate that electronic intermediary use is influenced by some IT and marketing determinants. Electronic intermediary use also has a positive impact on export performance. Particularly, high entrepreneurial or low bureaucratic exporters may use an electronic intermediary more effectively in export marketing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electronic intermediary, Export marketing, Determinants and effects, Direct internet-based exchange
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