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An application of the spiral dynamics integral model to business consulting

Posted on:2006-05-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Institute of Transpersonal PsychologyCandidate:Golin, Cynthia LouiseFull Text:PDF
In this dissertation the researcher studied how to apply the Spiral Dynamics Integral (SDi; an integral, developmental theory) model, and Integral theory in general, to business consulting using a method informed by Developmental Action Inquiry (DAI). Integral theory is a comprehensive and transpersonal model; this research considered only some of its aspects, including individuals, groups, interiors, exteriors, multiple perspectives, and developmental levels, in an overall systemic approach. Of the many change models researched in the field of organizational development (OD), little has been documented regarding the application of the Integral model. The method consisted of applying SDi using 4 enactment phases and multiple feedback loops informed by DAI, which cycled over a 6-month research period. The 4 phases of enactment included (a) working with organizational leaders to conceive a vision for resolution of the employee retention issue, (b) designing a strategy based on the vision, (c) implementing the strategy, and (d) continually engaging in assessment (both real time and follow-up). Assessment included objective data, assessment instruments, and 3 feedback loops (first-person, second-person, and third-person). This data informed the process of applying SDi and Integral theory including the choices for subsequent interventions. The researcher, acting as a business consultant, applied SDi to a case study in an organization focusing on a specific issue (increasing employee retention). Concerns with the efficacy measures included the lack of adequate archival information, the time limitations of the research, and the inability to further break down data to analyze monthly or weekly results or the figures from individual theater locations. Pre and post measurements of the employee retention rate indicated a 9% annual increase in retention at the end of a 6-month research phase. This pilot research suggests that Integral theory may be a useful business consulting model to utilize when addressing the specific needs of an organization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Integral, Model, Business, Theory, Sdi
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