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Productivity measures as a source of the displacement of social goals

Posted on:2006-02-02Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:State University of New York at AlbanyCandidate:Nagi, Omar FFull Text:PDF
This is dissertation research that examines productivity measures as a source of goal displacement. Goal displacement is when means to an end, become subverted to ends in themselves. Productivity measures cause goal displacement in various ways. The first, is that productivity growth often conflicts with efficiency goals. First, this research demonstrates how preventive medicine (a social goal) can be measured as a productive failure. The research then proceeds to provide a correction for productivity measures to account for efficiency improvements. Second, this research examines the professional commitment required by certain labor, and how increased devotion to clients (a social goal) can be measured as a productive failure.; Third, this research constructs a routinization ratio. This is a aggregate measure of the value of American skill. The data shows that American labor is de-skilling, and this can be traced to a variety of factors. Finally, in conjunction with the routinization ratio, this research demonstrates that skills levels are converging on aggregate, while income levels are diverging on aggregate. This allows us to conclude that merit goals of equity (where productivity is the basis for income rewards) are not being met in the United States.
Keywords/Search Tags:Productivity, Goal, Displacement, Social
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