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Advances in distributional analysis

Posted on:2005-05-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:George Mason UniversityCandidate:Barry, John SFull Text:PDF
This dissertation proposes several refinements of the conventional methodology followed to measure the incidence of federal individual income taxes in the United States. The refinements better account for important demographic characteristics when measuring the impact of changes in tax law. The conventional methodology followed by the primary government agencies responsible for measuring the distribution of federal taxes all suffer from generalization; all tax returns are treated exactly the same within these agencies' analyses no matter whether the tax return is filed by a single individual living in a small town or a large family living in a metropolitan area. As long as the total income reported on these two returns is the same, the tax returns are considered the same. This generalization prevents lawmakers from properly measuring the horizontal and vertical equity of changes in tax law. The improvements offered in this dissertation account for important demographic differences such as filing status, geographic location, the number of individuals represented on each tax return, and primary source of income when determining the distribution of taxes. This dissertation demonstrates that the current methodology presents lawmakers with an inaccurate picture of the distribution of taxes and that the proposed refinements improve the clarity of this picture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tax, Distribution, Refinements
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