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Anatomy of knowledge: A grounded theory investigation towards a knowledge emergence model for high-tech organizations

Posted on:2006-07-15Degree:D.MType:Dissertation
University:University of PhoenixCandidate:Jasinski, Debra AFull Text:PDF
GTID:1459390005994635Subject:Business Administration
The success of many high-tech organizations rests in the ability to create and share knowledge, but few comprehensive, organization-specific guidelines exist to assist leaders in developing knowledge emergence environments. This qualitative, grounded theory study of the leaders, managers, and knowledge workers in high-tech organizations sought to fill this apparent gap. The primary objective was to determine if sufficient commonality existed within high-tech organizations to make assumptions about successful knowledge emergence techniques. In-depth interviews revealed six themes surrounding the elements of the conditional matrix that formed the framework of this study. The models that evolved from the emergent themes provide value to high-tech leaders and managers who seek to develop effective knowledge emergence environments in accordance with their organizational needs.
Keywords/Search Tags:High-tech, Knowledge emergence
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