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Development of an integrated telerehabilitation information management system to support remote wheelchair prescription

Posted on:2012-04-21Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of PittsburghCandidate:Saptono, AndiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1458390011952797Subject:Health Sciences
Information technology (IT) is central in providing Telerehabilitation (TR), which enables people with disabilities access to limited number of qualified practitioners with specialty expertise, especially at rural areas. Prior to 2008, most TR utilized non-integrated IT systems to provide its basic infrastructure. Using this approach, data management has to be done manually over multiple non-integrated systems, increasing the possibility of outdated or missing data. An integrated system that is open, flexible, extensible, and cost-effective was designed and developed as a solution to mitigate this problem. The work described in this dissertation elaborates the process of developing such system, called the Versatile and Integrated System for Telerehabilitation (VISYTER). VISYTER was intended to become a platform that is capable of delivering any TR, and was first used to support Remote Wheelchair Prescription (RWP), a TR effort to support clinicians in rural Pennsylvania to prescribe wheeled mobility and seating devices.;The development process of VISYTER consisted of three main phases: identification and verification of requirements, validation, and evaluation. The requirement identification and verification phase involved a group of expert clinicians from RWP with the purpose of identifying the requirement of the system to support RWP: a system that can provide real-time teleconsultation and documentation support for prescribing a wheeled mobility intervention. Validation studies were conducted with help from ten individuals, including physicians, clinicians, and suppliers participated to validate VISYTER in their workplaces. All participants agreed that VISYTER can be used to properly support both the teleconsultation and documentation phase of RWP. Afterward, the usability of VISYTER was evaluated through a comparison study with a commonly utilized videoconferencing system in TR, POLYCOM. Twenty-six clinicians participated in a counterbalanced experimental study to measure the difference in usability for completing client assessment tasks using both systems. The study found VISYTER to be more efficient and less prone to error when compared to POLYCOM. Based on these findings, the study concluded that an integrated system could improve the usability TR delivery when compared to non-integrated systems approach.
Keywords/Search Tags:System, Integrated, Support, Telerehabilitation, VISYTER, RWP
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