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Integration of transportation management systems and resource allocation strategies

Posted on:2006-11-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Wayne State UniversityCandidate:Alsaidi, Emadeddin MFull Text:PDF
A methodology for resource allocation among a set of competing transportation programs was developed for the management of various infrastructure features. The methodology is applicable to freeway and/or arterial systems to allocate funds among different programs. The research demonstrated the use of the process developed on two freeway segments within the tri-county area in the southeast Michigan region (Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties). The process was applied on the safety, congestion, bridge and pavement programs of these systems.; Optimum resource allocation is necessary to help determine the best way of investing funds among various competing projects and programs. Such a procedure will help roadway agencies to meet the needs of their customers, and enable them to prioritize their work needs based upon their performance levels.; The resource allocation model developed in this research requires the availability of a comprehensive transportation infrastructure database and utilizes operations research methodologies to optimally allocate transportation funds between competing programs. In addition, this research developed a capital budgeting methodology that combines the challenger-defender technique with integer linear programming to select the optimum mix of projects from a group of mutually exclusive and independent alternatives, within a specified budget constraint.; This study recommends that road agencies maintain a very well organized database for completed projects under various management systems. The database should include descriptions of the projects, costs, and the level of performance (LOP) for the program before and after project implementation. The models tested were found viable, and can be used with data currently available with most state departments of transportation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Transportation, Resource allocation, Management, Systems, Programs, Developed
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