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Conflict and ambiguity in information systems development

Posted on:2006-05-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:State University of New York at BinghamtonCandidate:Barnes, Raymond JohnFull Text:PDF
Conflict and ambiguity are known as important problems in systems design and information systems development (ISD), but the relationship between the two is not well defined. Clarifying the relationship between conflict and ambiguity may result in less conflict avoidance, and instead promote discovery and learning during ISD. Yet standard methods of ISD fail to fully address conflict and ambiguity, due to assumptions of shared meanings and consent among those involved.; The primary goal of this research is a more detailed explanation of conflict during ISD than offered by previous research, in terms of its relation to unrecognized ambiguity. A secondary goal is explaining how the model may change the perception of conflict and ambiguity by IS developers, and reveal opportunities for improving the processes and products of ISD. Propositions about the relationship between conflict and ambiguity during ISD are based on theoretical premises and conceptual models, describing how unrecognized ambiguity is a significant source of inconsistency in the design form, leading to Contextual conflict; and in turn, how recognition of Contextual conflict contributes to effective ambiguity recognition. Research propositions are then evaluated through a review of systems design and ISD literature, and further demonstrated through case studies of two completed ISD projects.; The research results confirm the propositions that unrecognized ambiguity is a significant source of Contextual conflict, and that recognition of Contextual conflict is a critical element in surfacing unrecognized ambiguity. The primary contributions of the research are a conceptual model illustrating the interaction of conflict and ambiguity in design processes, and suggestions for more effective design conflict resolution to reduce the risks of ISD project delays and failure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Conflict, Ambiguity, Information systems development
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