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A change process model of post IT implementation linking software engineering and technological adaptation through individual innovative insights

Posted on:2006-12-27Degree:D.ScType:Dissertation
University:Washington University in St. LouisCandidate:Diehl, Richard CFull Text:PDF
GTID:1458390005492822Subject:Business Administration
Immediately after an IT system is turned over to the users there is often a flurry of changes. This research investigates the reasons for these changes during this post introduction period for an ERP system. Neither software engineering literature nor technological adaptation literature provides an adequate explanation of the changes.; A detailed process model for post introduction change creation was developed. It demonstrates that interactions involving users, the computer system, and the environment induce individual innovations. Some interactions cause issues that trigger individual innovations. The interactions also expose users to new possibilities that spawn spontaneous individual innovations. Specifically innovations by users that tinker with the system link spontaneous innovations to system bugs. The unfrozen nature of the post introduction period with its rich environment of new processes and computer system was found to be particularly conducive to individual innovations. Some innovations lead to system changes, others to changes in the user's work tasks.; This process model was verified by a path model. The path model demonstrates that factors from the software's development combine with factors that enhance user innovations provides a better explanation of post introduction system changes than either software engineering or technological adaptation. The mix of development and adaptive factors is unique and critical to IT system implementations.; This research indicates that the post introduction period should be included in an IT project's management and that the management paradigm should shift to a change coordination role. Management methods and tools appropriate to the new paradigm are suggested. These included a change classification, and a staffing approach that integrates IT and user staff.; The study contributes to IT implementation research by demonstrating that the post introduction period and its associated changes are unique and fundamentally important, and that individual innovation is a crucial factor in generating these changes. The critical role of individual innovation also contributes to the research on technological adaptation where the focus has been on organizational factors. The inclusion of the post introduction period in IT implementation projects provides a contribution to the project management literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:IT implementation, Post, Technological adaptation, Change, Software engineering, Process model, Individual, System
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