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Promising Practices in the Transfer of Professional/Technical Coursework from Community Colleges to Related Programs at Universities

Posted on:2012-06-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Oregon State UniversityCandidate:Jagodnik, Joan SeelyFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study is to identify promising practices for the transferability of professional/technical coursework taken at a community college to related programs at universities. The main research question sought to identify the salient elements in existing models of transfer. Supporting the main question, subquestions sought to identify obstacles to transfer, how or if those obstacles were overcome, aids to developing transfer agreements, and what policies or practices facilitated or hindered the transfer of professional/technical coursework.;This research is significant for a variety of reasons. Based on a review past and current research in the area of transfer of professional/technical coursework, three distinct areas of importance arose: (a) the need for workers with higher levels of general knowledge as well as technical skills, (b) challenges of access to the baccalaureate, and (c) a need to expand research in the area of transfer of professional/technical studies.;Previous studies in the area of transfer of professional/technical coursework were primarily quantitative, focusing on which courses transfer. This study utilized an interpretive social science approach, focusing on interviews with those involved in the process of determining transferability. By using this approach and method, this study was able to identify why and how courses transfer.;Twenty interviews were conducted across three states. In each state, individuals involved with the transfer of coursework were interviewed at the state, community college, and university levels. Common themes of promising practices arose across states and levels. These themes included: faculty involvement; rigor of the coursework; state involvement; and other factors such as the technology and involvement of external agents or agencies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Coursework, Transfer, Promising practices, Community, Identify
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