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Discovering Happiness: A New Approach to Understanding Adult Children of Alcoholics

Posted on:2017-02-02Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:The Chicago School of Professional PsychologyCandidate:Miller, Jane BFull Text:PDF
GTID:1457390008988652Subject:Clinical Psychology
This dissertation study was designed to use a positive psychology lens to better understand the experiences of Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOAs) and discover how they find happiness despite their adverse childhood experiences. Positive psychology, a movement that refocuses the medical model of psychopathology to more strength-based approaches, has created a paradigm shift in psychology that directs the focus towards finding happiness rather than relieving misery. ACOAs have been characterized as experiencing depression, having poor interpersonal relationships, difficulties with trusting others, and other negative symptoms. However, as an ACOA who has experienced signs of resiliency and who has discovered happiness and meaning in her own life, I am interested in exploring the ways in which other ACOAs have come to find happiness in their lives despite their experiences of growing up with an alcoholic parent. Given the nature of the research in question, a qualitative grounded theory study was conducted to attempt to understand and explain how ACOAs create meaning and find happiness in their lives. I interviewed eight females who identified as ACOAs who self reported feeling happy in their lives. After analyzing the data, content related to the following themes surfaced: establishing boundaries, self-identity, self-expression, empathy, relationships, feeling connected, forgiveness, humor, stability, and developing an optimistic outlook. This study sheds light on the experience of ACOAs and explains ways that these participants have discovered their own happiness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Happiness, Acoas
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