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An analysis of learning style as a predictor for students self-selection of introductory psychology courses

Posted on:2013-07-02Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Stiefel, Carrie AFull Text:PDF
The intention of this study was to determine if there were any associations among undergraduate introductory psychology students' learning style(s) and self-selection of one of three learning environments, hybrid, online, and traditional. The data for this quantitative study was collected using an electronic informed consent document, a web-based basic demographic questionnaire to include age range and gender, and the Kolb Learning Style Inventory v. 3.1 (KLSI 3.1) assessments, also conducted via the Internet. A total of 123 participants completed the study, 41 in each of the three learning environments. The results indicated that the self-selection of both the hybrid and online learning environments by the participants was independent of learning styles as measured on the KLSI 3.1; however, it was found that the self-selection of the traditional learning environment was associated with learning style.
Keywords/Search Tags:Learning style, Self-selection
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