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The role of reading for pleasure on English websites on language acquisition: A study at a Thai universit

Posted on:2006-10-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of MemphisCandidate:Chuarayapratib, NantawanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1457390008958998Subject:Bilingual education
This dissertation explores the correlation of language acquisition in an EFL context with the amount of time students spend reading for pleasure on English websites. The research questions included (1) Do the students read English for pleasure both in books and on the Web? (2) Does the amount of time the students spent reading correlate with the increase in their test scores? (3) What are the students' attitudes toward reading in English? Do the attitudes have impact on the amount they spent reading? (4) What are the characteristics of the reading process on the Web? The research methodology included the uses of standardized tests, questionnaires, interviews, diaries of Web usage, and observations.;The study revealed that students spent more time (as an average) reading on the Web (88.36 minutes per week), than they spent reading books (32.33 minutes per week). Thai students reported that English books of their choosing and interest were difficult to find in Thailand. Moreover, the coverage on the Web was more extensive and up-to-date than that from books. Students who read more were also more likely to be self-efficacious, receive strong supports from society, have intrinsic motivation, have long experience with the Internet, tend to use supportive strategies and have specific reading goals.;The Pearson correlation test showed that the correlation between the amount of time spent reading on the Web and their gains in reading test scores was significant above 0.01 level. Observations suggested that students who read more were more likely to engage in the stage of elaboration, where deeper and more meaningful learning occurred.;Moreover, the study showed that the students were very positive towards an ability to read in English, claiming that English played a vital role in their future studies and career. Also, they believed that reading for pleasure in English would help them to increase their English proficiency.;Pedagogical implications were drawn from the study. Instructors may want to let the students choose their own materials to read. The Internet may provide a convenient source of interesting, authentic materials.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reading, Students, English, Web, Time
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