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Implementing and sustaining the integration of academic and career and technical education: A multiple case study

Posted on:2006-02-01Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Temple UniversityCandidate:Lachimia, PhilipFull Text:PDF
In the fall of 2004, teachers and administrators from three Career and Technical schools in Pennsylvania participated in a multiple case study. The purpose of this study was to examine the processes of implementing the integration of academic with career and technical education in three career and technical schools in Pennsylvania and study the perceptions of implementation and steps taken to sustain the initiatives.; The study used the multiple case study research design that allowed the researcher to take an active role in the research process and in collecting the data. Data were collected from interviews, documents, and observations with the primary source of data being the interviews from staff and administration.; The implementation of academic and career and technical education was perceived by the teachers and administrators as a means of teaching students that reflects what is needed in business and industry. The staff at the three locations had adopted the High Schools That Work (HSTW) school reform effort to raise expectations both from an academic perspective as well as within the content of the Career and Technical curricula. The implementation process was consistent at all three locations where there was a formalized induction process of new staff as well as organized staff development activities revolving around the integration of academic and Career and Technical Education.; Efforts to sustain the initiative varied and methods of developing a culture of acceptance were distinct to each school program. One of the sites systematized the process by rewriting job descriptions, changing policy, and getting school board approval to accept the initiative as normal operating procedure. The other sites were less explicit and used methods such as common planning time, ongoing staff development, external facilitators to help train staff and setting realistic yearly goals that all of the staff could achieve during the school year.; The leadership's impact on the process enhanced the concept that organizational change and school reform efforts are individualized in nature with different locations showing success because of the people involved in the process. The leadership's impact also demonstrated the notion of how adults learn and change within a specific organization. The common style of leadership that contributed to the successful implementation of the initiative had elements of collegiality, collaboration, and relationship building. The three leaders were very different but displayed strong leadership and a commitment to the success of the students in their respective programs.; This study provides three different approaches to implementing the integration of academic and career and technical education. It takes into consideration the influence that a leader's style and establishing goals has on the overall success of a school. This study also helps fill the gap in the literature by examining the impact of leadership on implementing and sustaining the integration of academic and career and technical education as a means of positive school reform.
Keywords/Search Tags:Career and technical, Integration, School, Implementing, Multiple case, Three
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