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Differences in perceptions of learning and academic achievement of students and teachers in Project-Based Learning and Balanced Mathematics classrooms

Posted on:2013-08-16Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Tennessee State UniversityCandidate:Braden, Sharon SmithFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this research was to investigate the differences in perceptions of learning and achievement of students and teachers in Project-Based Learning and Balanced Mathematics classrooms. The study utilized quantitative and qualitative surveys or a mixed method approach to gathering data relative to the perceptions of students and teachers in Project-Based Learning and Balanced Mathematics classrooms.;The instrument utilized for gathering quantitative data from teachers was the Teacher Self-Efficacy Survey (Woolfolk and Hoy, 1990). The survey utilized a six point Likert scale which evaluated teacher perceptions of learning. Additional quantitative data was gathered from the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP).;Teachers were also asked to respond to a series of questions to explain the mathematics instruction in their classroom. The qualitative data from the teacher was analyzed to determine the approach to teaching mathematics (Traditional Balanced or Project-Based Learning Mathematics).;Interviews and artifacts were gathered from students to determine perceptions of learning in the traditional Balanced Mathematics and the Project-Based Learning Mathematics classrooms.;The study further examined the impact of actively engaged learning on student achievement. The study was completed utilizing two middle schools mathematics programs within a metropolitan school district.;The results of the data were analyzed and conclusions were made relative to the perceptions of the students and teachers regarding the learning and academic achievement in the Balanced Mathematics and Project-Based Learning classrooms.
Keywords/Search Tags:Project-based learning, Balanced mathematics, Students, Achievement, Perceptions, Classrooms
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