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Of self, place, and practice: An environmental educator's exploration of ecological identity

Posted on:2017-07-22Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Nipissing University (Canada)Candidate:Schlamb, Carmen AndreaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1457390005989393Subject:Environmental education
This dissertation is an exploration into the formation and development of my ecological identity as an environmental educator seeking awareness of my sense of self, of place, and of my personal and professional practice. Ecological identity, defined by Thomashow as "all the different ways people construe themselves in relationship to the earth as manifested in personality, values, actions, and sense of self," is best understood by engaging in ecological identity work which encourages inquiry into many areas of life. Through narrative inquiry self-study, I explore my lived experience in nature over the past 4 decades and identify stories that hold meaning and offer insight into my relationship with nature. By storying and restorying these narratives as I cross time and situation, I create landmarks on my personal and professional landscape that help me navigate my way forward as an educator and as an individual working towards praxis in life and work. This study invites environmental educators, through concrete demonstration, to consider performing their own acts of inquiry that may provide insight into their identity and how they conduct their teaching practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Identity, Practice, Environmental
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