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Factors Related to Quality of Relationship Between College-Aged Students and Their Parents

Posted on:2014-04-07Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:Wheaton CollegeCandidate:Gruppen, Maria G. AFull Text:PDF
There is intrinsic societal value in encouraging and facilitating the successful negotiation of the launching phase through the medium of positive relationships between college- aged students and their parents. The aim of the current study was to explore factors related to the quality of a student-parent relationship. The following variables were of interest: gender of student, ethnicity of student, grade of student, financial matters, presence of a disability, student/parent expectations and behaviors regarding communication, and level of involvement and the student's satisfaction with these behaviors. A sample of college students (N = 498) completed an online questionnaire focused upon their current student-parent relationships. Exploratory correlation and multiple regression analyses were completed to determine the best combination of variables to predict quality of student-parent relationship. The study concluded that the sample is, in general, experiencing positive student-parent relationships, high in care and low in overprotection. Several variables, such as parental level of involvement and expectations for communication, were identified as predictors for quality of student- parent relationship. In addition, analyses of variance were conducted to explore differences between normative student-parent dyads and student-parent dyads that may face heightened risk while negotiating the launching phase due to the presence of a student with a disability. No significant differences were found between these groups. Results of the study indicated that future research may benefit from utilizing a four- dimensional model in an effort to further explore quality of relationship between parents and their college-aged children.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quality, Relationship, Student
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