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Watches, compasses and kaleidoscopes: A time for revitalizing collaborative community

Posted on:2014-10-24Degree:D.MinType:Dissertation
University:Drew UniversityCandidate:McDaniel, Linda IsadoreFull Text:PDF
For Brainerd Church, formerly Brainerd United Methodist Church, there is deep concern over the lack of church relationships between members outside the boundaries of four different worship services. Instead of distinct worship experiences that constitute one church there seems to be four independent churches in one building.;A major challenge is finding ways to enhance harmonious growth in the midst of diversity while fulfilling the Vision Statement: Touching Lives Through Christ by Reaching Out, Bringing In, Lifting Up, Sending Forth." Our Lay Advisory Chair and the Lay Advisory Committee recognized the need for efforts to heal conflicts and increase cohesion among church members. An Outreach questionnaire was distributed that provided a list of short-term assistance opportunities for building community among the membership and within the surrounding community. Priority service areas were shared with the LAC, Church Council and the congregation in a Town Hall setting. To assist in this endeavor we also provided a "Hitting Our Stride" survey for members to complete, identifying their gifts, talents and personal interests. A number of new groups with common interests surfaced which provided opportunities for members to get acquainted and form new circles of grace with service as their purpose.;In an effort to further empower the laity, we have challenged all members to take time to think about the responsibilities of stewardship, beginning with an expansion of the definition of "Congregational Care." In order to revitalize our community of faith, the spirit of demonstrated care and compassion is essential. Visitation Team training that includes homebound, sick and shut-in, hospital, nursing home and Stephen Ministry is ongoing as another means of enlarging our potential for spiritual growth, maturity and awareness of prevalent needs that are beyond personal interest.;Participation by members in Bible Studies, such as "Disciple's Path," the Lenten Study, Praying daily according to the Prayer Calendar and Memory Mapping have generated times of reflection and various opportunities for service while helping to reshape "what church means." Through engaging in dialogue regarding the role of a member as a disciple striving to make disciples through outreach, many have expressed desire for and demonstrated some evidence of transformation.;The Watch, Compass, Kaleidoscope query used in the project provided a personal look of introspection, as participants examined individual DNA, traits and characteristics of their lives with church, as backstory. Identifying and sharing parallels of Modern, Pre Modern and Post Modern with worshippers should assist in revitalizing the membership as we seek to cultivate healthier existing worship climates and community.
Keywords/Search Tags:Members, Community, Church
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