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A Disagreement of Being, A Critique of Life and Vitality in the Meiji Era

Posted on:2013-08-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Callaghan, Sean KojiFull Text:PDF
My dissertation involves a critique of the concept of life or seimei as it emerged in modern use during the Meiji era (1868-1912). Specifically, I have outlined the conditions of possibility for thinking seimei at particular moments in the development of the modern, market-centered Japanese nation-state in historical and literary terms such that I can begin to use these conditions to think its impossibilities. In short, I argue that a central condition of possibility for thinking life in its modern, historical form is a process of individuation that takes hold of and shapes bodies at an ontological level. By critiquing life and its ontology of individuation, I unearth the traces of an impossible "apriori collectivism" - that is, a collectivism not merely reducible to a congregation of individuals, but originally collective -- buried under the calls for individual freedom, self-help, and industrialization that were at the heart of the Meiji era's modernization project. I track this apriori collectivism in a lineage relating (through non-relation) the mutual aid societies or mujin-ko of the Edo period to the life insurance industry of the Meiji 10s and 20s. I then use this material history of life as backdrop to my study of the literary trends in the latter decades of the Meiji era, and end with a consideration of the political and aesthetic implications seimei has for thought by taking up a study of Iwano Homei's Shinpiteki hanjushugi (Mystical Demi-animalism).
Keywords/Search Tags:Life, Meiji, Seimei
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