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Spatial Rotation, Aggression, and Gender in First-Person-Shooter Video Games and their Influence on Math Achievement

Posted on:2013-01-31Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Walden UniversityCandidate:Krone, Beth KFull Text:PDF
As shown by the neuropsychological educational approach to the cognitive remediation model, first-person-shooter video game play eliminates gender-related deficits in spatial rotation. Spatial rotation increases academic success and decreases social and economic disparities. Per the general aggression model, first-person-shooter video game play increases aggression. Aggression predicts academic problems and increased social and economic disparities. No model exists to explain the contradictory outcomes of first-person-shooter video game play supported by disparate models claiming a shared theoretical basis in neurobiology and social learning theory. The purpose of this study was to synthesize the two models and determine the contribution of aggression (measured by Adolescent Cook & Medley Hostility Scale) and spatial skill (measured by Shepard Metzler Mental Rotation Test) in mediating the relationship between game play and achievement, as measured by math class level and final grade for male and female ethnically diverse adolescents age 18to 19 years. 112 participants provided data via Internet. Regression models and Sobel's Z test of beta coefficients was used to assess mediation in a causal steps analytic framework. Video game play increased spatial skill and aggression, but only spatial skill mediated the relationship between game play and achievement. Models of achievement differed between male and female youth. Implications for positive social change include full realization of the educational benefits of spatial skill development that such games can provide while minimizing negative effects of aggression; this can lead to gender equity in math achievement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Game, Aggression, Achievement, Spatial rotation
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