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Documentary content analysis of the artistic image: Foundations and application to the Francisco de Goya's portraits

Posted on:2005-10-21Degree:DrType:Dissertation
University:Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)Candidate:Agustin Lacruz, Maria CarmenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1455390008485067Subject:Art history
This interdisciplinary research describes the theoretical and methodological foundations of content analysis of pictorial portraits, considering, them as artistic texts whose visual and iconic discourse---with its properties, attributes, relationships, reference levels and representation systems---can be analyzed and verbalized through documentary representations in information systems.;It proposes a theoretical model of content analysis that identifies and analyzes the production, use and reception contexts of the pictorial portraits. Later on it develops an applied methodology, specifically documentary that allows, the writing of summaries and controlled describers as the systematizing of the required sources of information. Finally it formulates an algorithm of analysis that works as standardized procedure and methodological norm. This algorithm systematizes the subject analysis and the documentary representation and sequences the levels of the later retrieval. It is a normalized formant that structures the information in areas and later on in fields, each of them picks up, as inventory, the relationships and the attributes.;The theoretical pattern and the analysis methodology have been applied on a representative sample of 80 portraits painted by F. de Goya, between 1783 and 1828.
Keywords/Search Tags:Content analysis, Portraits, Documentary
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