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Comprehension of the General Miranda Warning and the Proposed Model Miranda Warning

Posted on:2014-07-14Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:Alliant International UniversityCandidate:Dertsakyan, Srbui SFull Text:PDF
The literature on Miranda waiver suggests the level of education required for comprehension of Miranda waiver components exceeds the acquired education of juveniles. The current study used a quasi-experimental quantitative design and a 2 x 2 between-subjects factorial MANOVA to examine the relationship between age (14-17 and 18-25) and Miranda related competencies by administering a taped recording of either the model Miranda waiver developed by Rogers et al. (2008) and the Los Angeles County waiver. The Grisso Miranda Instrument (1998) was then used to assess the Miranda related competencies. It is hypothesized that the model waiver, and older adolescents will have higher comprehension than the county waiver, and younger adolescents. Findings suggest an interaction effect of the version of the Miranda used and Age. Based on the results, it can be stated that with this sample, younger adolescents do benefit from a more simplified Miranda warning; older adolescents on average will benefit from both versions.;Keywords: Miranda waiver, Adolescent Miranda waiver, California Miranda waiver, Proposed Miranda waiver.
Keywords/Search Tags:Miranda, Comprehension
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