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Preposition omission by Korean and Chinese/Mandarin English learners: Possible evidence for transfer

Posted on:2007-12-22Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:New York UniversityCandidate:Kim, Dae-EunFull Text:PDF
This dissertation provides empirical data referent to preposition omission in the English interlanguage of Korean and Chinese/Mandarin native speakers. Baseline data comes from English native speakers. Using level of English acquisition as a control variable as determined by a cloze procedure, the two experimental groups and the native English baseline group responded to a grammatical judgment task. For each sentence offered, participants responded as to the grammatical accuracy of the sentence and offered a corrected version when the sentence was judged to be incorrect.; Significant within-group differences for Korean and Chinese learners suggest evidence of transfer. Furthermore, The lack of significance between Chinese/Korean and the English native control group, in terms of the comitative with, is not expected from Klein's (1993, 1995, 2001) no-transfer view, and is at least suggestive of L1 transfer, allowing some theoretical leeway for other contributing factors. These data are discussed referent to the literature and issues of transfer and fossilization.
Keywords/Search Tags:English, Korean, Transfer, Data, Native
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