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Posted on:2007-04-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of HoustonCandidate:Varghese, Ranjana RuthFull Text:PDF
The largest theme that runs through this collection of stories is different kinds of love---filial, narcissistic, platonic. These are the kinds of love that drive the various relationships in these stories; they also underlie the ways in which characters deal with conflicts between personal desire and social responsibility.; So much of a person's identity and personality is determined by his/her relationships with close family members. Even though we may promise ourselves that we will not repeat the mistakes of our family members, we often find ourselves walking similar paths. Some of these stories are concerned with the choices that characters make in such situations. I am particularly intrigued by sibling relationships. This dynamic has always struck me as one of the most powerful and complex bonds in a person's life. Even though it is often characterized by intense love, this love can also be misguided, and feelings between siblings can be complicated by variables such as outside friendships and the drive or need for individual identity. Some of the stories in this collection explore this often inscrutable and troubling bond, and how it affects not only the construction of a person's identity, but also his/her motivations and actions in life.; I am also interested in the ways in which human beings navigate the desire to satisfy themselves and what society expects of them. Some of my stories are concerned with how a person might deal with situations where self-interest is in conflict with "the right thing to do." How do human beings who are essentially self-centered and driven towards self-preservation confront the idea of social responsibility? When my characters are confronted with a difficult situation, sometimes they do the right thing. Sometimes they take the easy way out. Regardless of their choices, in all these stories I try to explore the psychology underlying their love, their relationships, their mistakes, their choices, and the ways in which they rationalize or rectify their decisions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Love, Stories, Relationships
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