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The political impact of quality of life

Posted on:2012-05-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Georgia State UniversityCandidate:Yonk, Ryan MFull Text:PDF
GTID:1454390008499640Subject:Political science
Scholars of economics, sociology, political science, and social psychology have attempted to define and quantify quality of life in order to make meaningful observations of society and to formulate optimal policy prescriptions. Unfortunately few if any of these attempts have systematically measured or used quality of life in a quantitative evaluation of data. In what follows I develop an empirically valid metric for measuring quality of life, establish the role of quality of life in determining societal and political outcomes, and explore what predicts higher quality of life to provide insight to about how quality of life can be improved.;INDEX WORDS: Quality of life, Political behavior, Voter turnout, Direct democracy, Taxation, FAADS, Index.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quality, Life, Political
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