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An assessment of maternal health service needs of immigrant women living in east Calgary, Canada

Posted on:2013-02-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Johns Hopkins UniversityCandidate:Parmar, Seema MenonFull Text:PDF
GTID:1454390008487976Subject:Health Sciences
The health of new immigrants is often compromised because of social and economic difficulties and language, cultural, and financial barriers to accessing health information and services. East Calgary is home to the greatest concentration of high-need immigrant families in Calgary. This study assessed health outcomes of concern and health service needs during pregnancy, delivery, and post-partum for immigrant women living in East Calgary.;This study was conducted in partnership with Mosaic Primary Care Network (PCN), a network of health care providers based in East Calgary. An advisory committee, including the Mosaic PCN management and maternal health care providers based in East Calgary, oversaw data collection and analysis. Data collection methods included a document review, individual interviews with maternal health care providers and community representatives, and group and individual interviews with immigrant women living in East Calgary who were pregnant or delivered a baby in the prior year.;The study found immigrant women have various maternal health outcomes of concern and health service needs that are influenced by factors related to knowledge, service delivery, and their social, economic, and cultural circumstances. To better meet the needs of immigrant women, maternal health services should 1) connect women to family physicians who can provide coordinated and comprehensive care prior to conception and throughout pregnancy and postpartum; 2) establish intersectoral partnerships to ensure women receive support for social and economic difficulties from appropriate community resources; 3) increase availability and accessibility of language support services; 4) address knowledge deficits and create social connections through culturally and linguistically appropriate group prenatal education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Health, East calgary, Immigrant, Social
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