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Acceptance and commitment therapy for adolescent obsessive-compulsive disorder

Posted on:2013-09-02Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Utah State UniversityCandidate:Armstrong, Andrew BFull Text:PDF
There is growing support for the use of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) as a treatment for adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). No research has been published to date on the use of ACT as a treatment for adolescent OCD. To begin investigating ACT for youth OCD, a multiple baseline study was conducted. The primary measure was self-monitoring of compulsions and assessor completed (CY-BOCS). Three adolescent participants, ages 12 to 17, were treated with 8 to 10 sessions of ACT (without exposure). Results showed that the intervention was successful for all participants, with a 40% mean reduction in self-reported compulsions. Near absence of compulsions was reported by two of three participants at posttreatment. CY-BOCS ratings decreased by an average of 28.2%. Treatment procedures were rated by participants and parents as highly acceptable. Experimental and clinical implications of results are discussed. Data suggest that ACT may be a viable treatment as an alternative or an adjunct to exposure-based treatments.
Keywords/Search Tags:ACT, Adolescent
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