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Who Cares for the Caregiver? An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Design

Posted on:2017-08-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Cardinal Stritch UniversityCandidate:Charles, Tisa LFull Text:PDF
GTID:1454390008481977Subject:Educational leadership
The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality of life of caregivers. Understanding the impact of caregiving for a critically ill family member on the caregiver shapes the purpose of this study. The related research question and sub-questions that guided this study were: How does caring for a critically ill family member impact the quality of life of the primary caregiver? And the related sub-questions are: What is the emotional impact that providing care for a critically ill family member has on the primary caregiver? What is the psychological impact that providing care for a critically ill family member has on the primary caregiver? What is the physical impact that providing care for a critically ill family member has on the primary caregiver? What is the financial impact that providing care for a critically ill family member has on the primary caregiver?;The research design employed for this study was an Explanatory Sequential mixed methods design exploring caregiving quality of life. Family caregiver support group members at Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alzheimer's Association support groups as well as caregiver family members throughout the greater Chicagoland area were selected to participate in this investigation. The quantitative survey instrument was designed to address the activities as they related to the QOL of the caregiver. Semi structured face-to-face interviews were also conducted on a select number of participants from the survey.;The findings identified challenges and feelings of relief and accomplishment on behalf of the caregiver. The findings suggested that caregivers benefit from these services both negatively and positively. The positive feedback by far outweighed the negative as the caregiver felt a sense of relief that they were able to provide support for their loved one in their time of need.;Implications for caregivers include the importance of time management. The data implies that arranging and monitoring outside help or services will most likely lead to a higher physical satisfaction score on the Quality of Life for Caregivers. Primary caregivers have to work extra hard to make up for the lack of oversight of outside services.
Keywords/Search Tags:Caregiver, Explanatory sequential mixed methods design, Critically ill family member, Impact that providing care, Quality
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