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Investigations of pharmacokinetic challenges in premature infants

Posted on:2013-11-21Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Tennessee Health Science CenterCandidate:Zhang, YiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1454390008473286Subject:Health Sciences
Premature infants (gestational age less than 37 weeks) are considered a vulnerable patient population due to their immaturity at birth. Currently, off-label prescribing is common in younger pediatric populations, especially in premature neonates and infants, which is a primary group receiving intensive care. Unique pharmacokinetic (PK) challenges---such as limited blood volume and frequency of blood sample collections, rapid growth and continuous developmental changes, complexity of pediatric studies as well as scientific, practical, and ethical concerns---lead to the current lack of PK information and empirical dosing in premature neonates and infants. In this research, several approaches were investigated to overcome these PK challenges.;Due to the limitation in sample volume, an assay that can simultaneously determine multiple drugs allows for gaining maximal information from PK studies while minimizing the burden of blood collection in pediatric patients. Acetaminophen, caffeine, phenytoin, ranitidine, and theophylline are widely used in the pharmacotherapy of premature and term neonates, but only limited information is currently available on the PK of these medications in premature neonates. An accurate, sensitive and reliable LC-MS/MS assay was developed and validated using 50 microL human plasma specimens to simultaneously quantitate these five drugs with the mean accuracy ranging from 87.5 to 115.0%. The intra-day and inter-day precisions ranges from 2.8% to 11.8%, 4.5% to 13.5% respectively. This assay quantifies a range of 12.2 to 25,000 ng/mL for acetaminophen, phenytoin, and ranitidine, a range of 24.4 to 25,000 ng/mL for theophylline, and a range of 48.8 to 25,000 ng/mL for caffeine. These ranges cover each drug's therapeutically used concentrations in the neonatal group.;We then evaluated the impact of sample size on the robustness of PopPK parameter estimates in observational studies in premature neonates using a simulation approach with theophylline as the model drug. Simulated datasets for each sample size (9-200 subjects per study) with a mixed and unbalanced sampling design were first generated with the incorporation of changes in birth weight, body weight, and postnatal age (PNA) in premature neonates. The median PopPK parameters for theophylline estimated from the simulated datasets were generally in close agreement with those of the originating model across all tested sample sizes. While the accuracy, precision and power to parameter estimation benefit from increases in the number of subjects included in the study, an observational study designs with < 20 premature neonates and unbalanced sampling are inadequate to allow for the precise estimation of theophylline PopPK parameters. Furthermore, the results indicate that the impact of sample size on the power of the study was deeply influenced by the parameter of interest and the selected precision level. The application of PopPK modeling and simulation provides a useful approach to estimate the number of subjects needed to confidently detect the potential covariate effects on PK parameters under a specific sampling strategy---randomized and unbalanced blood sampling schedules, which is consistent with actual pediatric clinical settings.;Apnea of prematurity (AOP) is one of the major concerns in premature neonates. Caffeine is currently the first-line pharmacotherapy frequently used for the treatment of AOP. A PopPK model of caffeine was developed in premature neonates, and potential sources of variability of PK behavior for caffeine were also identified. A one-compartment model was chosen to describe the PK characteristics of caffeine in premature infants, covering a gestational range of 23 to 31 weeks with an age of up to 116 days. Body weight (WT), postconceptional age (PCA) and a low gestational age (GA) of < 25 weeks were found to be important predictors explaining the between-subject variability of caffeine PK in premature infants receiving caffeine treatment. The typical patient in the studied premature neonate population, i.e., a patient with WT of 1.5 kg, PCA of 32 weeks and with a GA > 25 weeks, is estimated to have a CL of 0.0164 L/hr and a V of 0.94 L. We also investigated the application of this PK knowledge to facilitate the development of optimal dosing regimens further through simulation, particularly to correlate steady state concentrations with response at the different dosing regimens for various age/body size groups using trial simulation. A dosing interval of 24 hours is shown to be successful with respect to the proposed target concentrations in all simulated groups. With the proposed dosing regimens, the predetermined target was attained and the simulated median trough plasma concentrations were between 8 and 20 mg/L throughout the treatment period. The dose-finding simulations based on the developed PopPK model may provide more benefit while allowing the clinicians to compare various dosing regimens and bridge the plasma caffeine levels with responses at different PCAs and different WTs. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Premature, Infants, Caffeine, Dosing regimens, Weeks
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