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Quantitative measurement of cell membrane protein redistribution

Posted on:2006-06-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Stanford UniversityCandidate:Kasson, Peter MFull Text:PDF
Polarized cell membrane reorganization is a fundamental cellular process that plays a critical role in directional responses for cell signaling and effector function in a number of contexts. Quantitative measurement methods are needed in order to systematically assess membrane protein redistribution in these polarized cellular responses. Quantitative methods are also necessary for statistical analyses, the testing of physical hypotheses regarding rearrangement mechanisms, and ultimately the development of predictive models. I have developed integrated surface-based methods for the quantitative analysis of membrane protein redistribution using fluorescence microscopy data as a source of protein localization information. These methods enable quantitative analysis in a more robust, accurate, and automated fashion than previously possible. I also report the application of these methods to the study of protein redistribution in T lymphocyte activation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Protein redistribution, Membrane, Cell, Quantitative, Methods
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