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The role of ephrin-A5 in lens maintenance and vitreous humor development

Posted on:2014-07-23Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - New BrunswickCandidate:Son, Alexander IFull Text:PDF
The development of the eye requires the orchestration of precise regulatory signals and events in constructing a complex structure capable of collecting visual inputs. Recent observations have identified one group of molecules, the Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases, to be critical in the formation of and maintenance of ocular tissues. This present work focuses on the role of the Eph ligand ephrin-A5 in the development and function of the lens and vitreous humor.;We have found ephrin-A5 to be a major contributor to lens development and maintenance, as mice lacking ephrin-A5 develop cataracts. Major lens abnormalities in the ephrin-A5-/- animals are observed at postnatal stages with lens opacity occurring by P21. Examination of the expression of ephrin-A5 and its putative receptor EphA2 in the lens supports a fundamental role for this receptor-ligand complex in lens development. As alterations in lens fiber cell shape were observed in the ephrin-A5-/- lens, we examined the role of ephrin-A5 and its receptor EphA2 on the control of the adherens junction. N-cadherin localization is disrupted in the ephrin-A5-/- lens; however, beta-catenin, a regulator of N-cadherin interaction with the actin cytoskeleton, remains on the membrane in the ephrin-A5 -/- lens and co-localizes with EphA2. Further examinations reveal Ephrin-A5 and EphA2 to regulate beta-catenin interaction with N-cadherin, indicate that ephrin-A5 is required for maintaining proper lens fiber cell architecture through the regulation of the adherens junction.;We have also identified critical roles of ephrin-A5 in regression of the primary vitreous. Failure of this event results in the eye disease Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous (PHPV). Ephrin-A5-/- animals develop phenotypes representative of PHPV, most notably the presence a large hyperplastic mass posterior to the lens that remains throughout the lifetime of the animal. The aberrant tissue consists of vascularized cells surrounded by pigmented cells of neural crest origin. The mass in ephrin-A5-/- animals was also found to be mitotically active in both embryonic and postnatal stages signifying that ephrin-A5 has a role in cell cycle regulation in the developing vitreous. Together, these studies demonstrate the critical and varied roles of ephrin-A5 throughout ocular development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ephrin-a5, Development, Lens, Role, Vitreous, Maintenance
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