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Real -time planning for teams of autonomous vehicles in dynamic uncertain environments

Posted on:2005-04-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of WashingtonCandidate:Pongpunwattana, AnawatFull Text:PDF
In a highly dynamic environment, an adaptive real-time mission planner is essential for controlling a team of autonomous vehicles to execute a set of tasks. An optimal plan computed prior to the operation will no longer be optimal when the vehicles execute the plan. This dissertation presents a framework and algorithms for solving real-time task and path planning problems by combining Evolutionary Computation (EC) based techniques with a Market-based planning architecture. The planning system takes advantage of the flexibility of EC-based techniques and the distributed structure of Market-based planning. This property allows the vehicles to evolve their task plans and routes in response to the changing environment in real time, and under varying computational time windows.*.;*This dissertation is a compound document (contains both a paper copy and a CD as part of the dissertation). The CD requires the following system requirements: Windows MediaPlayer or RealPlayer.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vehicles, Planning
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