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Capillary bridge stability and dynamics: Active electrostatic stress control and acoustic radiation pressure

Posted on:2006-01-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Washington State UniversityCandidate:Wei, WeiFull Text:PDF
In low gravity, the stability of liquid bridges and other systems having free surfaces is affected by the ambient vibration of the spacecraft. Such vibrations are expected to excite capillary modes. The lowest unstable mode of cylindrical liquid bridges, the (2,0) mode, is particularly sensitive to the vibration when the ratio of the bridge length to the diameter approaches pi. In this work, a Plateau tank has been used to simulate the weightless condition. An optical system has been used to detect the (2,0) mode oscillation amplitude and generate an error signal which is determined by the oscillation amplitude. This error signal is used by the feedback system to produce proper voltages on the electrodes which are concentric with the electrically conducting, grounded bridge. A mode-coupled electrostatic stress is thus generated on the surface of the bridge. The feedback system is designed such that the modal force applied by the Maxwell stress can be proportional to the modal amplitude or modal velocity, which is the derivative of the modal amplitude. Experiments done in the Plateau tank demonstrate that the damping of the capillary oscillation can be enhanced by using the electrostatic stress in proportion to the modal velocity. On the other hand, using the electrostatic stress in proportion to the modal amplitude can raise the natural frequency of the bridge oscillation. If a spacecraft vibration frequency is close to a capillary mode frequency, the amplitude gain can be used to shift the mode frequency away from that of the spacecraft and simultaneously add some artificial damping to further reduce the effect of g-jitter.; It is found that the decay of a bridge (2,0) mode oscillation is well modeled by a Duffing equation with a small cubic soft-spring term. The nonlinearity of the bridge (3,0) mode is also studied. The experiments reveal the hysteresis of (3,0) mode bridge oscillations, and this behavior is a property of the soft nonlinearity of the bridge.; Relevant to acoustical bridge stabilization, the theoretical radiation force on a compressible cylinder in an acoustic standing wave is also investigated.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bridge, Electrostatic stress, Capillary
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