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Life cycle evaluation criteria for design-build highway pavement projects

Posted on:2005-10-22Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Colorado at BoulderCandidate:Gransberg, Douglas DrakeFull Text:PDF
Six current pavement life cycle cost analysis algorithms are evaluated and the Federal Highway Administration algorithm is selected, as it is both pavement material-type neutral, robust enough for use with a variety of pavement designs, and flexible enough to handle constraints imposed by state or local-level pavement management policies. Next, a sensitivity analysis on the life cycle cost analysis algorithm with respect to discount rate and period of analysis finds that life cycle cost is sensitive to both. A further evaluation is conducted on three alternatives for modeling the inflation component of the discount rate and recommends that a locally-derived discount rate and analysis period is most appropriate for use in the subsequent evaluation of five design-build case study projects.; The formalized framework allows the owner to constrain its procurement process for local legislative and policy restrictions while adopting a life cycle cost sensitive best-value award system through the promulgation of design-build life cycle cost pavement performance evaluation criteria. It does so by changing the pavement procurement model from a linear one, where life cycle cost analysis is done after contract award, to a cyclical one where the life cycle cost analysis is completed before contract award on a competitive basis. This allows an evaluation of project performance to feedback into the next project, thereby fine-tuning its best-value award algorithm.; The research reports the results of simulations run on the seven existing best-value award algorithms and describes their limitations and necessary modifications for use in this innovative methodology. It also proposes three new best-value procurement algorithms that have been tested and found to be suitable for use in life cycle-based procurement. (1) Award on a basis of lowest life cycle cost. (2) Award with life cycle cost as a separate weighted criteria category along with price and technical score. (3) Award using a life cycle cost adjusted price.; To support the use of the new algorithms, a logical, repeatable structure for the development and writing of life cycle cost analysis-based evaluation criteria based on abductive reasoning is presented. Finally, the study proposes a new project performance metric called "life cycle budget growth" that can be used to measure the degree of post-award success of projects procured using life cycle considerations. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Life cycle, Pavement, Evaluation criteria, Project, Design-build, Algorithms
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