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The resolution of internal conflict through performing poetry

Posted on:2005-07-10Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:California Institute of Integral StudiesCandidate:Maddalena, Cheryl JeanFull Text:PDF
The poetry slam movement has become a social phenomenon, indicating that slam poets may incur unique psychological benefits as a result of performing poetry. This study investigates this possibility with the more specific question, "Does performing competitive poetry aid in the resolution of internal conflict?"; Grounded theory methodology was chosen for this research; the results are further grounded by comparison to the creative arts therapy literature. Eight participants were asked how writing and practicing poems affected their feelings of internal conflict, how performing for an audience, receiving scores, and performing their most honest work affected them, and why they continue to slam.; A total of 70 codes emerged, 45 were noteworthy (at least 63% endorsed). Associated conditions include a history of trauma and being inspired by other poets. The phenomenon includes the categories "transform-hurt-into-art," "rehearse/revise" (especially for audience), "perform-in-public-at-slam," "inner-experience-on-stage," and "completion" in three ways: emotional resolution, encapsulation of problem/idea into artful form, and gaining perspective on problem/life. The context includes the categories "choice-of-poem-to-perform," "goal-of-poem" (to make the audience feel and to entertain), "situation-on-stage," "mutuality-with-audience," and "teaching-audience." Intervening conditions include hurt from low scores, failed attempts, losing the original feeling of the poem, and receiving one-on-one encouragement. Action/interaction strategies include planning future poems and mediating responses to slam difficulties. Consequences are ambition, ethical dilemmas, pride, and being part of the "slam family."...
Keywords/Search Tags:Internal conflict, Slam, Poetry, Performing, Resolution
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