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Strategies toward High Performance Organic Photovoltaic Cell: Material and Process

Posted on:2013-08-25Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of MichiganCandidate:Kim, Bong GiFull Text:PDF
The power conversion efficiency of organic photovoltaic (OPV) cells has been rapidly improved during the last few years and currently reaches around 10 %. The performance is evenly governed by absorption, exciton diffusion, exciton dissociation, carrier transfer, and collection efficiencies. Establishing a better understanding of OPV device physics combined with the development of new materials for each executive step contributes to this dramatic improvement. This dissertation focuses mainly on material design and development to correlate the intrinsic properties of organic semiconductors and the OPV performance. The introductory Chapter 1 briefly reviews the motivation of OPV research, its working mechanism, and representative organic materials for OPV application. Chapter 2 discusses the modulation of conjugated polymer's (CP's) absorption behavior and an efficient semi-empirical approach to predict CP's energy levels from its constituent monomers' HOMO/LUMO values. A strong acceptor lowered both the HOMO and LUMO levels of the CP, but the LUMO dropped more rapidly which ultimately produced a narrowed band-gap in the electron donating/accepting alternating copolymer system. In addition, the energy level difference between the CP and the constituent monomers converged to a constant value, providing an energy level prediction tool. Chapter 3 illustrates the systematic investigation on the relationship between the molecular structure of an energy harvesting organic dye and the exciton dissociation efficiency. The study showed that the quantum yield decreased as the exciton binding energy increases, and dipole moment direction should be properly oriented in the dye framework in order to improve photo-current generation when used in a dye sensitized photovoltaic device. Chapter 4 demonstrates the ultrasonic-assisted self-assembly of CPs in solution, rapidly and efficiently. Ultrasonication combined with dipolar media accelerated CP's aggregation, and the effect of CP's aggregation on the enhancement of OPV performance by promoting photo-current generation and increasing carrier mobility was systematically investigated. The correlation between the chemical structure of a CP and it aggregation behavior is further described in Chapter 5. To promote CP aggregate, a planar chain conformation was advantageous and CP aggregation improved hole mobility in the OPV device. However, thermally induced CP aggregates caused strong charge recombination, resulting in open circuit voltage drop. In Chapter 6, a novel polymer design principle to enable directed CP alignment is discussed. Regulating chain planarity and preventing massive crystallization of CP achieved by the developed molecular design principle allowed directed CP alignment under small shear flow.
Keywords/Search Tags:Organic, OPV, Photovoltaic, Performance
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