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Quantifying reaction characteristics of pyrotechnic compositions

Posted on:2005-11-02Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:Springer, Mark LincolnFull Text:PDF
The development and adjustment of pyrotechnic compositions have historically been more of an art than a science. Although a thorough knowledge of the principles of chemistry is required to choose materials used in pyrotechnic compositions, these principals by themselves are only suitable for qualitative determinations. Once candidate materials are chosen, the actual development proceeds by "trial and error," i.e., the pyrotechnician manufactures candidate mixtures in small quantities, then measures their sensitivity and output (effect).; A methodology to predict the effect of changes in raw materials, both in quantity and in-kind for use by pyrotechnic developers, safety engineers, and quality managers is presented. The methodology presented allows developers to make quantitative inferences, which while not eliminating the need for trial and error, allow efforts to be more focused. More focused efforts will shorten development times. A methodology can also be used to estimate reaction output.; This dissertation reports on the development of a methodology based on the physical, transport, and thermodynamic properties of the raw material constituents, kinetic data derived from Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), and the physical configuration of the munition. Developed for use with terephthalic acid smoke mixes currently used in the M8 Smoke Pot and the M90 and M83 Grenades, it can be used for any pyrotechnic reaction. The derivation of the applicable partial differential equations resulting from mass and energy balances, and present analysis of the reaction kinetic data of the sucrose reaction are also presented.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reaction, Pyrotechnic, Development
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