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Parametric effects on pinch-off modes in liquid/liquid jet systems

Posted on:2006-09-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of MinnesotaCandidate:Milosevic, Ilija NFull Text:PDF
Many industries rely on liquid/liquid extraction systems, where jet pinch off occurs on a regular basis. Inherent short time and length scales make analytical and numerical simulation of the process very challenging.; A main objective of this work was to document the details of various pinch-off modes at different length scales using Laser Induced Fluorescence and Particle Image Velocimetry. A water glycerine mixture was injected into ambient either silicone oil or 1-octanol. The resultant viscosity ratios, inner to outer fluid, were 1.6 and 2.8, respectively. Ohnesorge numbers were 0.013 for ambient silicone oil and 0.08 for ambient 1-octanol. Reynolds and Strouhal numbers ranged from 30 to 100 and 0.5 to 3.5, respectively.; Decreasing the Strouhal number increased the number of drops formed per forcing. Increasing the Reynolds number suppressed satellite formation, and in some cases the number of drops decreased from two to one per cycle. Increasing the Ohnesorge number to 0.08 suppressed the pinch off yielding a longer jet with three-dimensional threads. At Ohnesorge number 0.013, increasing the forcing amplitude shortened the jet, and eventually led to a dripping mode.; High-resolution measurements of pinch-off angles were compared to results from similarity theory. Two modes were investigated: drops breaking from the jet (jet/drop) and, one drop splitting into two (splitting drop). The jet/drop mode angle measurements agreed with similarity predictions. The splitting drop mode converged towards smaller angles.; Scaling analysis showed that a Stokesian similarity regime applied for a neck radius of 6 microns or less. The smallest radius observed in experiments was 15 microns. Therefore, it is not known whether splitting drop mode might still converge to same behavior.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jet, Splitting drop, Pinch-off, Modes
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